Sunday, August 4, 2013

Bruised from confusion

No control, No limits…

Just in a state of utter destruction…

No more shining… no more luster….

just a stone designed to be thrown.

what purpose does it hold..

apart from pain… apart from memory…

am i just a stone meant for the condemned.

to fly across space and time…

only destined to land at the ruins.

am i just a stone,

designed to be carved the initials of the maker..

slowly but surely…

looming through the mists of the past…

i am dust….

fading across winds..

i disintegrate… i scatter..

Friday, August 2, 2013

Dragged and Lost

I grieve for the death of patience.

a second lost is eternity.

lost in the pace of society

all agog to experience life…

inept to compel the sloth or speed…

I am subdued.

I drown in the sands of time

squandering what’s left… i gasp.

no patience. no thought. no time.

I am ravaged.

Thoughless Blur

no lights at night..

stained memories deluded by time…

i unplug the music that is the world….

swim in the pool of reverie….

i float away into the abyss…

i bask in this little moment of solace…

it is frozen.. it is fluid…

and no sense is clarity…

knowledge is perplexity

where reality and dreams are sewn together… i cloak myself

i am at musing’s end.

Scintillating Through Life

I’ve heard somewhere…

 that humans are made of stardust…

Then… I am stardust I say… 

Calmly it makes me feel…

as I belong to something that’s ever present…

A particle of light… 

A trace of existence….

A splinter that glistens

A fragment that’s me.
Someday… the colors will fade to shades of grey…
as bitter memories start to fade away…

Someday… the rivers will dry up….
like those wasted tears that I thought would never stop…

someday… the foot prints in the sand will be washed away…
your touch.. your scent… traces of you… will no longer linger.

Someday as the candles burn out…
My love… My heart…. would cease the longing…

Someday… stone will turn into dust…
like all things that I’ve held onto… would slowly be blown away..

Someday, as night will turn to day…
all that’s dark will be bright again…

Someday.. it wont hurt…
someday… all these wounds will heal..
Someday.. somehow…with time…

all will be okay…

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Tune into Life

Let the music be the silence of worries and regrets.
Let the music be the voice of reality and dreams.

With each stroke..
Each huff…
Each beat

let the melody take you where you want to be.

It’s a chant of belief…  It’s the cry of giving up.

It’s about blending in with the orchestra…
It’s in isolation with your piece…

Music is heart.
followed by rhythm…

Echoed in the symphony that is life.

Friday, July 26, 2013


We all want another truth, another reality… sadly.. there is only one..

pointlessly dissappointing.